31 May 2020

Saint Paul MN - Minnesota 2020

A picture perfect last day of May in many ways. 
And also a day with tank like vehicles parked in front of the capital and platoons of soldiers marching towards the capital - definitely armed.
Decided on a last minute bbq to clean out the frig and ran in to a mostly empty grocery store as well.
Still more and more buildings getting boarded up - and it took a trip to 2 different suburbs and 6 stops to find a newspaper.........nothing open to get one in Saint Paul or Minneapolis.  
Definitely not the 2020 any of us had in mind - and we continue to pop on our masks and spread out everywhere we go - interesting times.  

30 May 2020

Saint Paul MN - Covid, Curfew and strong show of force

It was already interesting going to the hardware store with all of the new protocols due to Covid.  And now that we have riots in the street we have the addition of boarding the whole place up.  Strange, comical and unnerving all at the same time. 
But absolutely appreciated they were still open.  Have lost my ability to get a newspaper at this point - all the usual spots are looted, boarded and not operating until things cool down. 
Took another drive around the neighborhood hot spot - continues to be shocking.  Also, started to see more law enforcement building up all day - even a big group protecting the state capital. 
The helicopters have already been buzzing tonight and we haven't even hit curfew. 

29 May 2020

Minneapolis MN - Minnehaha Falls wander

Got to wander with a great mate today.  A bit cool but plenty of sun. 
Got off the sidewalks and wandered the creek, falls and Mississippi. 
Nice break after a few emotionally gyrating days. 

Saint Paul MN - Nights to remember

We all thought the last 3 months have been crazy and strange and then Monday Night arrived - WOW!
Last night was a great night to have your windows opened.  The addition to the usual neighborhood sounds was racing cop cars, sirens and the roar of helicopters.  And then there was the smoke smell as the evening went on. 
From listening to the police radio much of the evening, I wasn't sure what it would look like when I wandered out on the street this morning.  Better in some spots - shocking in others. 
Not the worst of it but a few shots from a quick tour this AM.  

25 May 2020

Saint Paul MN - Nam Graduation Celebration round 2

Decided to gather once again for a bbq to enjoy the long weekend a bit and why not celebrate Nam's graduation one more time. 
Got a perfect evening so hanging outside worked! 

Saint Paul MN - A few more sights from the neighborhood

Walking, biking and a bit of socializing in much smaller groups than normal.  And officially rained on twice over the weekend while on the bike. 

22 May 2020

Saint Paul MN - Another socially distanced patio evening

Enjoyed a Friday evening at Mary's taking the lovely spring evening and a bit of conversation.
We kept our distance but for a moment catching pics to capture the evening.

Saint Paul MN - Another week, more of the same

The walks continue and the bike rides increase - and the general day to day routine continues well over 2 months now. 
All good - and the long weekend ahead....much the same as every other day this year.

15 May 2020

Saint Paul MN - Nam Graduation Party 2020

This week should have had Nam's parents visiting Minnesota and many, many celebrations related to graduation. 
With rain approaching tomorrow it would have been another indoor graduation but still a grand celebration. 
Instead, tonight we gathered on my deck, our small group, and zoomed Alex in from Seattle for a bit. 
We all gathered on March 14 for lasagna just as things were starting to blow up.  And we gathered again today, 2 months later, for another lasagna evening............and I have more in the freezer!
Expect we will continue with some ongoing mini-celebrations over time since Nam has chosen to hang around Minnesota for awhile - and luckily has a job locked in. 

Saint Paul MN - the routine continues........

Life remains much the same.  Still under the stay at home order, but for exercise, or if you have an assault rifle and want to show it off it seems.
Still getting walks and now bike rides in. 
Spring has finally arrived - and rain ahead we are told.  And we need it.

10 May 2020

Saint Paul MN - and staying home goes on.....

Not much to report here.  I am good at staying home. 
Other than the daily walk, and now bike rides, I am hanging close to home.
Not complaining at all - have a routine that fills the days.  And finding many new streets and corners of the neighborhood to wander through.