22 October 2016

Minnesota Drive - Great October Saturday

Fall Break at Mac so Kristijan, Nam and I took off to get out of the Twin Cities for the day.
A ride along the Mississippi and then dinner with Grandma in rehab.
Even a quick sneak in to Wisconsin along the way.
Nothing but start to enjoy on the ride home.

Minneapolis - Busy week continues

The user conference week continues with more events and we finished off with dinner on Thursday and a tour of the Twin Cities on Friday.
Everyone is off to Japan and I will see them again on their side of the world very soon.

18 October 2016

Minneapolis MN - International Night

We have our 7th annual user conference going on in Minneapolis at the Guthrie once again.
Pre-conference events were going strong on Monday night - International gathering at the pingpong bar.  Great fun.

Mississippi River Wisconsin Side

Gerard was in town from Ireland for a big event this week.
We headed out to enjoy the day and see the colors along the Wisconsin side of the Mississippi.  And then back through Rochester and on to the Twin Cities.

15 October 2016

07 October 2016

Tokyo Japan - Quite a week

Typhoon floating around in the ocean around Tokyo when I arrived.  That of course brought in heat and humidity.  It was 88F or more several days this week - with humidity to match.  But fortunately the typhoon stayed off shore and we just saw small bits of rain.
And then the wind came up and the humidity left and it was heavenly.
They chose Friday to celebrate their Olympic success this year.  We were right in the path of the parade - things started setting up before dawn and nothing was moving much of the morning and in to the afternoon around the hotel and most of the places I had meetings.