29 September 2014

Sydney Australia - Sunny spring weekend

It has just gotten sunnier and warmer every day I am here this trip - and today a toasty 33C for spring.
A bit of a City wander on Saturday with a last minute ticket to Wicked.
And the a ferry ride on Sunday to Watson's Bay and a walk over to Bondi for the train home.
My last time I went to Watson's Bay I got to host Ed's Mother-in-law for lunch with his mother and aunts.
It was such a lovely Sunday that everyone wanted to get on the ferry on Sunday - and hang out at every beach.  The first great day before summer hits and they behaved like all of us from snow countries.
It took a few ferries to come and go to get us all where we wanted to go.
Lots of great Sydney architecture to enjoy along the way as well.....

Beijing China - rain and smog mess

A couple days of rain and the smog hanging below the clouds - both an interesting sight and amazing to see the water come through it all.
And like any major city Beijing can be taxi hell and with the rain it was even worse that normal.
And then the sun came out and it was fresh and clean as it gets in Beijing.
And then the long haul to Sydney via Shanghai.

21 September 2014

Hong Kong - oops forgot to read the sign

An interesting twist to tourism in Asia Pacific
You often go in to places where there are lots of no photography signs - most recently in Hong Kong but also had the same experience in Macau as well.
The signs are everywhere and the Asians are all taking pictures - and the security guards are standing next to them watching.
If I am not paying attention and pull out my cam or phone the security guard immediately comes and tells me there are no pictures - of course as everyone else is snapping away all around me.  Go figure.....
The one I got before I got scolded in Chinese.

Singapore - F1 and the smoke from Indonesia

Quick trip in for a few meetings.
I arrived for the Formula 1 Weekend - may hotel is near the designated track so lots of blockages and traffic snafus to get around.
The annual fires in Indonesia are in full force as well so the whole city is in a bit of grey smog.
Lots of action and excitement with the race in town - and elevated hotel rates as well.