24 May 2015

Sydney Australia - Sun's out here

The rain put the HK airport in chaos mode.
We got out 3 hours late.  And when we backed out they still had 30 planes that hadn't gotten in to a gate - and that was at 1130pm.
The sun was out when we arrived in Sydney - a cool fall day but a lovely day.
Warm enough to have an interesting crowd at the heated outdoor pool - 2 different models getting photographed, 2 honey moon couples sipping champagne and eating strawberries around the pool and in the spa and 2 boys doing cannon balls in to the pool and splashing everywhere.  While mom and dad watch on in their winter jackets.

Hong Kong - squalls, amber and then red rain. We had it all

Another full day of different rainstorms.  Been lots of rain coming and coming to Hong Kong.
It continues to amaze how much water can come from the sky and for the length of time it just keeps coming.  The intensity of the storms just kept increasing all day.
Off to Sydney so hope we get off at a reasonable hour and aren't stuck sitting due to the rain.