19 February 2011

Saint Paul - Macalester International Potluck 2011

It was a busy week and much effort to get all schedules coordinated to be ready for the Mac Potluck.
Petar and I made a few stops but finally found the right beans and were ready to go - until Tennis got in the way. We have beans but the match got in the way and we missed out on cooking up our Serbian dish - but P won both of his matches. And was able to join us for the eating - and did his best to make sure that every bowl was empty before the event was over.
Danny and Davide shared the stove once again and we left the house smelling great as we headed off to Macalester.
Biggest crowd in my 7 year experience with the program...so that much more to try as well.
Enjoyed a table with several other families that included Cambodia, Vietnam and Macedonia. Plenty of great conversations about the world.

13 February 2011

Stillwater MN - 2011 Birthday celebrating again

For the past 21 years, when I have been in town, Margie, Jimbo, me, sometimes Dan Sandor and often others have gathered to celebrate Dan and my birthdays.
We gathered once again on a day where the cold finally broke, the sun came out and everyone was ready for some laughs and celebrating - and multiple choice desserts!
Always something new to make each year a memory of its own. This year we had a moonlight walk on the lake to check out the local ice fishermen as well as glasses for slicing onions and another pop-up book with "even more celebrity" meltdowns. And don't want to forget "strike anywhere matches" for Petar at his first year joining the party.
Lucille has been celebrating her birthday for a month and finished up with another celebration with Dan, Davide and Dennis.

08 February 2011

Birthday 2011 - Celebrating with Dan 1

Another birthday has arrived.  It's -9F with -20F windchill - certainly going to be a day for a chilly celebration. 
Sandor night dinner to celebrate Dan's 21st - and since it happened on my birthday, and in my neighborhood, I joined the party.
Fortunately, it is supposed to be warming up for the weekend...may even see 40F+...something really worth celebrating at my age!

07 February 2011

Saint Paul MN - Torchlight Parade...Winter Carnival finale

Having been both a torchlight parade observer as well as a rider in a car through the streets it was great fun to enjoy the parade with a new set of eyes - a non-Minnesotan seeing it all for the first time. 
It all had new life. 
Having a Winter Carnival novice one has to be up on Carnival Lore to be able to put all the unique characters together in a coherent story.  With 10 years of Klondike Kate emcee experience, among other volunteering for the cause, I was up to the job. 
And the added bonus was running in to old friend after old friend along the streets or on the floats throughout the evening.