29 June 2016

Saint Paul MN - Hanging out in Saint Paul

Lindsay is in for training so we found a rooftop downtown Saint Paul and enjoyed the evening.
We were surrounded by those heading to the Saints game - being just a block from the stadium it was the logical place to hang out on an great summer evening.

27 June 2016

Saint Paul MN - Sticky Bike Ride

Made it back from Japan and a few of us got out first thing Saturday morning.
It was a steamy, sticky start and it felt much much worse by the time we got back to the starting point.
We have evolved to a smaller group - but expect we will expand back out as we ride more and more Saturdays.

Tokyo Japan - Summer in Tokyo...before it gets hotter and stickier

All in all a great week in Tokyo.  Pleasant temperatures and the humidity was not too bad.
It was nice enough to hang outside as we met up with many of our friends, partners and customers throughout the week.
Every trip gets busier and busier - all good signs.

06 June 2016

Saint Paul MN - a full weather weekend

We had a bit of everything over the weekend weather wise - but most of it happened at convenient times to not ruin the weekend.
There was sun and plenty of clouds.  And rain in all types of varieties.  And then there was wind - pleasant on Sunday and destructive overnight in to Monday.
We did get a couple bike rides in and lots of time to get things down outside - and bring some of them inside to enjoy for awhile.
I was in a meeting room on the other side of the building and found out we have some interesting views that direction as well.

01 June 2016

Saint Paul MN - Memorial Day Weekend

Just back in from Tokyo and the long weekend began.
Got three bike rides in and lots of yard work in - plenty left to do!
Beautiful new display at the Capital as well
Great night for a bbq on Sunday and relaxing finish on Monday.