28 August 2017

Saint Paul MN - Niketh, the New Mac Guy

Got introduced to Niketh on Saturday via email and we found a short slot of time to connect up on Sunday.
His father was in town to help him move in from Colombo Sri Lanka and so we were able to meet before he heads out from Minnesota.

Saint Paul MN - State Fair Time

State Fair Day with Betty, Byran and Kindra.

24 August 2017

Kansas City Missouri - Quick in and out

KC was in the path of the eclipse.  So lots of action when I arrived - no rental cars to be had.  Or the few that were left were pricier than the hotels....that were jacked up as well.
And then there was a Shriners Convention in town as well for the week.
Got a few minutes to wander around the downtown between meetings.  And ended up at an old local Italian Restaurant and we all overate.

21 August 2017

Hastings MN - another double river ride

Checking out a new route in Hastings.  Got to enjoy both the Vermillion and Mississippi Rivers today - and historic Main Street.

Minneapolis MN - Enjoying the lakes and river

Another perfect Saturday for a ride.
Enjoyed our ride along the river and the lakes of Minneapolis.  And choosing to stop at the French Meadow for warm and gooey treats.
Finished off the evening along the river at the Guthrie.

12 August 2017

Stillwater MN - Another family day at the lake

Another birthday today as well - Lauren.  Plus Meghan is in town and Liz came over to see her.  A great day to be at the lake as well as on a bike.
I walked in and Kendall was enjoying cake, we then moved on to lighting and Kendall enjoying a cupcake and then more after dinner as I was getting ready to head home.  A great celebration for Kendall today - good to have your Mom's birthday.