26 December 2013

Saint Paul MN - Christmas 2013

Many of us have gathered together for Christmas for a long, long time.  And what makes each year unique and special is there has almost always been someone new joining the family and the celebration.
A lovely day and we missed those that couldn't make it and those that tried but weather and more kept it from happening.
And lots of calls and skyping happening to spots around the world - and new card games too!

25 December 2013

Stillwater MN - Christmas Eve kick-off

The Cashman Christmas activities kicked off this year in Stillwater - once again, a smaller but great group gathered.
Long had his first evening of Christmas fun with us before he heads out on Christmas Day to spend a month with his family in Hanoi - and enjoy all the sun and fun!

Hong Kong - sending off the team mates

Some of the Hong Kong Team will be moving on to new assignments back in the USA or in other parts of the world.
Had to stop for a moment at the Fatty Crab and celebrate the year with our new team members and the many friends and associates that we enjoyed and worked with along the way.

Sydney Australia - a bit more Christmas cheer as I head back to Hong Kong

As you would expect, the airports have all been very very active and full of families and kids of all ages heading off for the holidays.
No open seats - an in many rows a small extra one or two sitting on someone's lap.
I don't think you can count airplane behavior as the best gauge for "naughty or nice" for the year - some do it well but most struggle with traveling hours and hours and hours across the globe.

18 December 2013

Sydney Australia - Christmas and other sites on the street

Been in and out of lots of buildings looking at office space.  So a bit of Christmas a bit of art and the wonderful 3 level tree located in the Queen Victoria Building.
Lots of music and excitement on the streets - always something new to see when you wander around Sydney.

15 December 2013

Hong Kong - just another taxi ride for Kowloon to HK Island....a close intimate group we are

Sydney Australia - Christmas and summer. It can be a great mix

Arrived in Sydney this morning to some rain.  But once the clouds moved on it turned out to be an absolutely incredible day.
Add streets full of holiday shoppers and there was plenty to see and do to keep me up until I could call it a night and sleep before the big work days ahead.