27 March 2020

Saint Paul MN - Getting a bit of life back

Wow, a few very quick weeks since my mother died.
And she planned it well.  Had she gone on a week longer, not sure what kind of celebration we would have had.
Since then, the world has closed down - and likewise for me......LOL
But we took a moment to celebrate Greg's birthday last night on a Zoom call - it was a big hit and a big success and we got everyone that remembered to get on the call, on the call.

08 March 2020

Rochester MN - Celebrating Grandma Day 2

We hit the ground running at 9 on Saturday and piece of the day went as well or even better than planned.
We finished up the official events at the cemetery and then headed back to Dooley's to gather with friends and family still around to have one more toast and lots and lots of conversation in honor of grandma/mom/Evie.

Rochester MN - Day 1 Grandma send off

With a short time line we were still able to gather almost all of our gang for our last night enjoying the country club as a family and celebrating grandma/mom/Evie's life.
Great night - and one that extended on for many once we got back to the hotel.