30 November 2018

Minneapolis MN - Open Book night

Got to hang at the Open Book at a Minnesota Center for Book Arts Event - learned a few things as well.
Worked in the Open Book Building for 12 months about 8 years ago.
Even ran in to friend from way back at the boy scout camp days - great night.

26 November 2018

Saint Paul MN - Post Thanksgiving Lasagna with the Mac Team

Another "cold turkey sandwich party" in the books now turned in to a lasagna night.  And as usual another loud, hungry group.
Lots of family from all over - including the East Coast this year.
And MLD had the hit appetizer treat of the evening.  And Greg failed at his acrobatic routine and spent the evening on his sofa at home.

22 November 2018

Stillwater MN - My first Thanksgiving in Stillwater

We transitioned Thanksgiving north many, many years ago.  My mother and I also headed to the East Coast at the same time so missed out on Thanksgiving in Minnesota.
Then there was the year of the knee and we headed to Elkton for the day.
So since we headed to the East Coast early this year, we got back for my first Thanksgiving in Stillwater.
Great group gathered for the day.
We missed the flaming turkey on the grill but arrived in time to catch Jimbo resting from the fire - and finished off the day with Joe and John taking their turn.

18 November 2018

Long Branch NJ - Hanging with the boys

Easy drive down to New Jersey - sunny cool day.
Hanging with the NJ family for the balance of the trip.
Surprise visit by Lara.
Grandma training Chris in on the ins and outs of "hand and foot".

Stamford CT - Tommy's big night

We woke up to snow still on the ground but the sun came out and life got back to normal - at least the streets dried out.
And in the evening we all headed to Tommy's confirmation.

15 November 2018

Stamford CT - Hanging out

An early arrival this year to CT.  Pete was laid upon arrival and then Tommy found out he had a fracture as well.  Hopefully, I leave standing in one piece.
Also, the first snow of the season and it is a mess everywhere in the Northeast.  Rain coming on top of it so the mess will go on in to tomorrow.
Since we arrived early, will be back in Minnesota for Thanksgiving this year.

New York NY - Back again, dinner with Long

Back again.  Staying in Stamford CT but headed to the city for dinner with Long.
Cold, windy night before the anticipated early snow in the morning.
Great to catch up with Long and get an evening wander in as well.

11 November 2018

Saint Paul MN - The after

Arrived home to lots of great looking floors - some getting their first upgrade in over 100 years.  A bit more work to get to the finish line but all is good at 247 Mac.

Margie and Betty keep trying to catch up

Birthday for my twin sisters.  Just back in town, arrived late for the birthday dinner celebration.  Good group and a rocket style candle to get one to 62 - not sure how wild it got in the western part of the state.  Much wilder crowd out that way - hehe.

Toronto Ontario Canada - The mini-adventure continues

Chose a triangle for my trip while the floors are getting back in shape or being updated for the first time in over 100 years.
Toronto is on my list of places I always feel at home - so always happy to be back on the ground and wandering the streets.  The rain and then the cold and winds arrived with me so a bit more of a challenge - but always met.  Who knew I could shop.
I am always wowed at how many new towers are up every time I arrive - wow.  Most housing but they are tall and everywhere in the central/downtown zone.
And like the USA, Christmas has arrived and I love how Canada so embraces their rustic natural heritage and makes it visually beautiful.