28 July 2015

Hong Kong - Another weekend stop

Got back in to Hong Kong on Saturday late afternoon and met up with friends at the Phoenix over Happy Hour.
Another hot Sunday and everyone was out hanging at the local spots getting caught up.
And then off to the airport again and a new art exhibit showing up at IFC on the way.

Sydney Australia - Hanging out with Team APAC

Gathered all of our forces from all over APAC for a week of meetings and hanging out.
Cool winter days in Sydney but lots of great fun still had by all.

19 July 2015

Sydney - Sunday in Sydney

With the sun out things warmed up and the streets of central Sydney filled up.
Wandered over to the Art Gallery of NSW and caught this year's Archibald Entries - it is a yearly painted portrait contest.  Always some very interesting and amazing pieces to enjoy.

Sydney Australia - Crisp, sunny winter morning

Once again the all night flight from Hong Kong to Sydney.  And I slept almost the whole trip this time - much needed.
Seems like every other trip the trains get weekend work.  Then it is a bus ride in to Central and then it is a nice walk through quiet Sunday streets.

Hong Kong - Steamy Saturday

Had an early appointment at the bottom of the hill.  Was already plenty steamy as I walked down the escalators.
Saturday mornings are always interesting to see the streets mostly quiet except where the wet markets stands are all zooming around getting ready for another day.

1989 and 2015

So a dear friend posted an oldie on Facebook from 1989.
And on Sunday we participated in the Urban Assault in Minneapolis and got captured with our free beer before we got out of the heat and humidity.
So a bit of 1989 and then 2015.

16 July 2015

Singapore - quick in and out

A quick couple days to Singapore - and now I wait.
My plane back to Hong Kong is still sitting in Hong Kong due to big storms so it looks like a long, long day of airport sitting.  Once it leaves I will know I should get home 9 hours later - unless there are more storms.

Hong Kong - In and Out

Got home in the evening and off to the airport in the morning.
Sunny day as I wait for a taxi to come around the corner.