20 August 2010

Minneapolis - Lecy Design does the Iron Chef

Great night at Saffron in downtown Minneapolis.  The owner competed on the Iron Chef.  It was an Iron Chef evening for all of us.
Everything served was stunning and almost too beautiful to eat.  We got over that and enjoyed it all!

Dawit Graduation...finally some of the videos

We seem to have some upgrades to the blog site and they are letting me load larger videos.  We will see if I can get the good ones loaded as well.  This gives you a bit of a taste of both early and a bit later in the evening!

11 August 2010

Saint Paul Minnesota - Aunt Liz arrives from the East

We completed a month of July visitors and Aunt Liz started the August group.
She arrived for our hottest, muggiest and ugliest week of the summer - but just another day to a veteran resident of the Washington DC Area.
Davide rolled in as well from his summer travels and work. >
So the house was full the air conditioners got their work out.
We gathered, found enough to fill the table and covered the summer and laughed the evening away. 

Red Wing Minnesota - a day on the farm

Oh the stories to be told over the 35 plus years at the Mason-Johnson farmstead.  And a few were recalled as we enjoyed great Saturday afternoon...and many more have been blocked or forgotten to never be told again.