30 April 2015

Tokyo Japan - Crossing paths with Kathmandu

Flew from HK to Tokyo today.
Our flight got delayed about 20 minutes because about 30 people had just arrived from Kathmandu and were trying to get back to Japan.
They were an interesting bunch.  Many had big red marks on their forehead - seemed to be a label of sorts.  Like they got cleared to go or had been checked out somewhere.
It all stayed very real and added a bit of interest to a regular four hour jaunt in Asia.

Hong Kong - The "new" Phoenix

Got back in town and thought I would check out the local pub - it had been closed for about a month for a redo.
First weekend back open and everyone was out to check it out.
Whole new place.
Great night to catch up with my local mates and hear all that has been going on in HK.

Melbourne Australia - NO RAIN

It was great to get to Melbourne and see that the nasty storm in Sydney had not moved in this direction.
A great night out along the Yarra River with a work mate.
And coffee the next morning with another - a beautiful fall day.

21 April 2015

Sydney Australia - The rain, the wind OH MY

Got in on Sunday morning and good thing I got out for a bit of a walk.
The rain arrived Sunday night and it hasn't stopped.  And the wind came with it and it just continues in to day three.  
Wow - worst storm in a long, long time here.  Things blowing all over the place.
The wind is so strong that the only dry on me was the underside of the umbrella.  The wind was just blowing all the water sideways and I got home soaking wet.

18 April 2015

Bangkok Thailand - The Water Festival

I arrived at the end of the three day water festival.
As we drove in to the city I could see lots of groups of people splashing, spraying and throwing water on each other in celebration - and they even gave my taxi a few throws along the way.
As always, hot, humid and full of energy in Bangkok.
It was interesting, at all of the shrines there was a large quantity of zebra like animals - haven't seen so many of those in previous trips.  Not sure if, like the Chinese, they celebrate different animals or not - something to look in to further I guess.

Hong Kong - A quick in and out

Made it back to HK - uneventful trip as they all should be.
And then off not soon after.
They have these interesting pics at the airport - not sure the photo does this or others I have posted justice.

14 April 2015

Saint Paul MN - Mary has another BIG Birthday


Stayed in MN one extra day and got to hang out with Mary and friends to celebrate her BIG Birthday.
Turned out to be a great spring day and we could hang outside and enjoy the evening.
And another great friend who I don't see often enough came down from Duluth and joined us as well - her turn in July!
Being off for year three has kept me from seeing lots of folks I know and this was a great opportunity to catch up with many.

07 April 2015

Saint Paul MN - Dinner with Team Mac

A quick dinner to get caught up and hear about summer plans.   Always good to hear the stories.
Petar came in sick so he was only half with us tonight - as the picture suggests - LOL.

05 April 2015

Stillwater MN - Easter in MN this year

First time my work trip back coincided with Easter - got to hang with some of the family and the Mac Guys - nice April day.
Clemens found time to get us a lamb cake which brings back lots of great Grandma Hass memories.  And we got all caught up on the studies and summer plans once the studies are done.
And Katy has a new job - so got all updated on that as well.
Good to be both inside and out today - not always the case at Easter.

04 April 2015

Hong Kong - One crazy week

The humidity just keeps increasing but we still haven't seen much sun.
Had a work visitor in but I wrecked my back and wasn't much of a host.
Working on getting back in form for the next flight - the story of my life.....