25 July 2016

Hong Kong - Back in the Neighborhood

A short opportunity to spend a bit of time in Hong Kong.
Headed back to the neighborhood - always bustling with activity on a Saturday morning.

Hong Kong - Record heat for my arrival

Hot all over.  Left Minnesota as it headed it to record heat and humidity territory.
And everyday I was in Hong Kong there were spots in the City that achieved record levels of heat - always feels like record levels of humidity this time of year.
But life goes on and you just get on with it all - out, about and hanging with friends.  Hong Kong has no fear of air conditioning and making it COLD.  Immediate relief almost everywhere once you step inside - often you can feel it in the streets as you walk.
A short, but fun trip to be back in HK.

18 July 2016

Saint Paul and Stillwater - Perfect summer weekend

Wow - couldn't be any nicer than this weekend was.
Saturday bike ride - Carly even got up and joined us.
There were threats of nasty storms.  They went south of us.  We got great night time rain and a perfect Sunday to follow a perfect Saturday.
And Lara hanging out at the lake with us!  What more can you ask for - non-dairy ice cream at Izzy's show knew...
And we also had Gerard in from Ireland.

The Nellie Palm Basket Collection

Forgot I got this surprise as part of the move to Madonna Towers.
Lots of memories of Nellie Palm and her house in SW Rochester.  A great character that was part of my life and family.

13 July 2016

Saint Paul MN - MN History Center Music Launch

Weekly summer music festival kicked off last night at the MN History Center - great spot to hang out and when you add music - magnificent evening.
And funny all the folks you know and run into....
8 more to go.  Hopefully, the weather is as good 8 more times.

11 July 2016

Saint Paul MN - Lots of Saint Paul News, and bike group action as well...

Just up the road a couple miles we had the now infamous shooting in St Paul.  And followed by Dallas - wow.  Lots of memorials and people roaming at the site of the crime all weekend.
We started out a perfect Saturday with another ride - a group of 3.  Things are looking up again.  One of my favorite rides called the Luce Line Trail.
A perfect Saturday but the storm certainly wasn't rain on Saturday night - the protestors just down the street in another direction marched and blocked the interstate highway.  And unfortunately ended in a not so positive way.
Strong reinforcements around the Governor's Mansion on Sunday after all the Saturday activities.  Went to a great brunch with friends nearby - had to divert a bit but worth the effort.
And the humidity rolled back in on Sunday - no doubt another storm or two by us or by nature ahead this week.

07 July 2016

Chicago IL - a quick trip

A couple room coupons that were going to expire and a couple days off and I was off to Chicago to hang out, see a few old friends and enjoy one of America's best kept secrets.
Not a bad view at all from the room - wow.
Steamy, grey and rainy days but always good to be here - energizing place for me.