26 October 2015

Tokyo Japan - One last wander

Full week of events - and finished off Friday with a late event - and we drew a great crowd.  Wouldn't expect that to happen in the USA.
Late start to the flight back to Minnesota.  So took some time for one more wander before I left Tokyo.  Warm and sunny Saturday - so it was great to be out.

22 October 2015

Tokyo Japan - Sunny and 70s no complaints here

A great week to be in Tokyo - 70s by day and comfortable cool by night.  Mostly sunny - or at least sunny enough.
This trip I am staying at a hotel that I met Neil at on my first trip to Tokyo - been updated since then but the bar overlooking the lobby is still there and I remember getting there and waiting to be picked up.

18 October 2015

Tokyo Japan - Hopping back to the other side

I know I have been traveling too much when a 12 hour non-stop flight doesn't seem so bad.  Usually to get to spots in Asia there is a layover and it always gets to 20 hours or more.
But not when you head to Tokyo.  And a lovely 72 F when I hit the ground.