27 May 2018

Saint Paul MN - Memorial Weekend BBQ

A unique year for the BBQ - lots of people coming and going and the guest list changing by the hour - even up to all of the arrivals.
But always a good night - and the crowd voted to enjoy the evening in the heat and humidity not the deck.  Usually we talk about being warm enough to hang outside - today we were discussing the heat.
All good.

Minneapolis MN - Betty Danger with Betty "dangerous" Cashman

90+ and we hit Betty Danger's Country Club - and Kindra joined us for the evening.   And after 50 years Byron hopped on a ferris wheel once again - he survived!

Minneapolis MN - The Luce Line Ride

A 90+ Saturday in May - Wow.  Got our ride in before we hit the 90 mark but it was still plenty warm and a ride that got the blood moving.
New coffee spot as well.  And  new biker joined the group today - the more the merrier.

25 May 2018

Saint Paul MN - Thursday Bike Ride we got it all

Got off for a Thursday ride.  We even got started a bit earlier than usual.
Good thing.
It was 90+ when we took off.  Discovered a new park along the way.
We got a patio seat for some dinner before the last leg home and as we hopped on our bikes we couldn't miss the black sky closing in on us from behind.
The race was on - we didn't win.  It was a great rain and shower that definitely cooled us off before we got home.

19 May 2018

Twin Cities MN - Saturday Bike Group

After a super warm and wonderful week, we got a cloudy and cooler Saturday.  Who knew that the bike ride would be the warmest and least windy part of the day - back to 45 tonight.
Cinnamon and carmel rolls from the French Meadow makes it all worth the ride.

Saint Paul MN - Kate hanging out with the aunties

Environmentalist Kate is back in town and happened to be making dinner when I stopped by to say hello to Sue and Jude - of course I stayed.
Great evening filled with lots and lots of interesting topics - and a bit of wine and a vegan delight!

12 May 2018

Saint Paul MN - Qifan graduates from Mac

Cool, grey day but it was more than a full house for the graduation ceremony.
Always an exciting and a sad day - and we finished off with another gathering at my house before Qifan and family head to his new home in Austin TX - with a China visit over the summer.

Twin Cities MN - Saturday Bike Group

Lots of graduation activity but still got time in for the weekly ride - a cool, cool start to the ride this morning.  And a bit of rain later in the day.
Warm days due again next week.

11 May 2018

Twin Cities MN - A quick tour

Did a quick couple hour tour with Mom and Dad around Minneapolis and Saint Paul.  Expected rain but just had cool winds instead - made it all a whole lot easier.
And a great finish at Holman's Table at the Saint Paul airport with family.

10 May 2018

Saint Paul MN - Qifan graduation celebrating begins

International Graduation event tonight.
Mom and Dad got in yesterday and the party is now on.
We even had the president of Mac drop by and say hello this year - first time I remember that happening.

Saint Paul MN - Looking back in Saint Paul

Wandered down to see photos from downtown Saint Paul in 1978 and hear from many of those that were there and through the years since.
Moved here in 1982 but was around on a regular basis when a friend settled in fall 1974.  So they all looked very familiar.
And got in to another court room in the Landmark Center - all unique and interesting.

Saint Paul MN - Kofi Annan hanging out at Mac

Got word that there were extra tickets to the Kofi event at Mac - wandered on up.
Interesting to hear about coming to the USA and Minnesota in 1959 and his perspective of the world since.