I left St Paul with temps hovering near 32C. Woke up this morning way too close to 6C - a foggy grey rainy day. Conversions for you Abby. Don't expect it to make it to 50 today.
Couldn't have asked for a nicer weather week in Minnesota last week. Got many of projects completed and saw family and friends - never seem to get as much of that done as I hope.
With warm clothes in my bag I am ready for the fall and winter ahead in Moscow.
Kept saying that the Georgia activities are not impacting my existence - wow, you just never know. One of our staff was there visiting family. She was it by a grenade and lost family members. She is fine and back to Moscow and work - would never know the first comment I made was true.
I went through immigration at the fastest pace ever this trip - so things only looked better last night in that regard.
Got out of St Paul before the Republicans took over the Twin Cities - unfortunately for all of us and the guests, St Paul won't look much like a city you want to visit. At least not the core zone around the convention center and downtown. Lots of fencing and barbed wire showing up even before I left. I hope it is quiet for all.
And it is now 3C tonight, one more Abby. Cool one for September 1.
We have our summer birthday celebration on the roof deck planned for Friday night - hope that sun gets back to Moscow before then.
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