30 July 2018

Legnano Italy - The wedding....number 3

Still no phone - we were all optimistic it would turn up somewhere today.

Nothing like 90+ and humidity to make for a great wedding day.  We stood in the sun on the steps of the church waiting for the bride to arrive and then wandered in to a lovely old, old Italian Church for wedding number 3.  It warmed up fast in there.

And then we were all off to higher ground for the celebration about an hour north.  We headed off to Malnate Italy and Cascina Diodona.
A beautiful setting in the woods - great afternoon of fun, family, friends and FOOD.  Took some shots of both the wedding and the celebration on Nancy's cam....will share when we cross paths once again.

It was a full day and we were all happy to head home and try to get a great sleep and beat the jet lag - getting closer each day on the ground.

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