01 March 2014

Sydney Australia - the parade still going strong

I remember my first year in Australia and one of the guys on the team had an apartment overlooking the Sydney Gay/Lesbian Mardi Gras Parade and he and his girlfriend hosted a party.  None of us from our group had a clue what we were in for.
Hundreds of thousands of people fill the streets for the 2 hour plus experience - mom/dad and the kids with grandpa/grandma along as well.  Bring your beverages and something to stand on and you are all set for the evening.
Grey and gloomy this year but the rain stopped and held off until the last float and marchers had made their way towards the end.
This year we once again had an apartment overlooking the route so took it all in again.  Always fun to experience it with a group of "first-timers" - hard to describe or believe until you have the real experience yourself.

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