05 August 2013

Hong Kong - A full weather weekend

Once again the rain came down hard.
Some was monsoons, some was typhoons, some was squalls.  No matter what the official title it was always lots and lots of water - and wind.
Fortunately, it all rolls down hill and we are up quite a ways so we just have to figure out how to stay dry and manage the umbrella as best you can - or just get soaked and feel a bit of relief to the ongoing heat and humidity.
And then on Sunday the sun came out once again - and the heat went up and the humidity just hangs around at all times.
You realize how many apartments and therefore maids are in HK every Sunday.  They all have the day off and don't really have anywhere to go - or lots of money to go there so they all congregate in all the public areas in the center of the city.  They are everywhere - and fill the walkways, parks and all sorts of places.  They gather with others from their country, city or just friends they have made here.  It often looks like great fun - but it also leads to many other thoughts and feelings about the state of the world.
You just have to get on with it - sweaty or not.  That is how it all works.  Another hot few to start the week - so we will be ready for more rain soon I have a feeling.

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