06 December 2012

Beijing China - How many ways can you have TOFU

Beautiful sunny days this trip to Beijing - but also colder than normal with huge winter winds out of the north.
Went out to dinner for a "unique" experience - and that it was.  It was a "zen buddha" place - a very special place.  You come here for great celebrations, etc - we even had some monks running around at some of the family celebrations going on.
It is very stark but very chic at the same time.  And located in one of the "hot neighborhoods" of Beijing.
The whole menu is vegetarian.  Not a problem for me.  One nice feature of Asia restaurants is that they have pictures of all the food - so you can see what you are getting.
Now I knew from the start that it was all vegetarian.  When you look at the menu and read the translations almost every dish sounded like it had meat in it - and the pictures supported that.
Everything was made with some form of tofu that we don't have in the USA - my visual and experience with tofu is cubes or big blobs of white stuff.....not that way in China.
We had a table full of dishes - almost all contained a "tofu" reproduced meat.  It all looked like the real thing.  We had thin slices that you were sure were meat, chicken style chunks, etc - it was actually amazing.  And tasty as well.
Certainly something I won't forget.

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