If my 3 train rides in each direction wasn't enough to get me there, we went for another ride to the border of Tuscanny. We made stops along the way and enjoyed a wonderful lunch in Sasepolcro at a restaurant in the same family for four generations. The current family member in charge provided a memorable day and meal - hard to top the show the day before, but she had her own style and approach to make it a perfect day. In Perugia we had to wander up. They had escalators along the way to get us to the center. A college town so there was plenty of life and action here.
We drove over the mountain and after some wandering and stops arrived at our primary stop for the day Foligno. They was a weekend celebration of food and our weekend was all about food, wine, conversation and laughs so it seemed to be the perfect. Another great spot to wander. We were disappointed by the festival but made up for it with shopping and a lunch to remember. We were able to get a spot at Salvatore’s spot – Il Bacco Felice. A local character and chef. He not only orchestrates the whole experience and menu but joins each table for some wine and conversation. We just sat down and the food kept coming. At the end he charges you based on the experience he provided – and whether he likes you or not. It may cost you more if you or your surrounding tables are not to his liking. He was both a fan of Minneapolis and the Hunter Valley so we had a great afternoon, wonderful conversation and a bill we were more than willing to cover.
I flew into Rome late in the evening and booked a hotel across the street from the train station. I caught a 600 train to Treni. And then I had to get another ticket to get to Todi. Everything was working until we came to the Todi station and I hopped off – the wrong Todi station. After a few texts back and forth Heather, Keith and Richard set out to find me. I may have been the first person to get off at this station in many many years. I wandered to the top of the road for fear that I would still be standing there and they would never know to turn down to where the station was. Once found a great long weekend began in the Umbria Area of Italy with some great dear from from Sydney and some new ones from Brisbane. Day One included a tour a very sleek vineyard finished off with their wines at a local restaurant. The menu included truffles as part of each course – they are just in season. Before we went off to the restaurant we spent some time with Marco the vineyard owner sharing winemaking stories from both Italy and Australia. We finished the afternoon wandering around Montefalco and taking in the views from all sides of the walled city. A loud, but quiet, evening at the villa finished off day one.
A very cool and grey week. Rain included. Not sure we made to much more that 10C on the best days. It seems most of us have gone to the light winter coat just to stay warm - the winds have all been out of the north. Will have to work out how to get on the trolly buses that zoom around on those super below zero days when winter arrives. I think it will take 2. It is cool enough for heat in the apartment...........but the City doesn't agree so it is chilly in the morning. But a super warm shower warms up me and the apartment until I run out the door. The camera doesn't do the colors in all my pics justice. They are not afraid of color and my camera seems to give everything a muted tone - maybe it works to US sensibilities. Like any city there is lots of grey and brown in the structures. They are not afraid of adding color where there is plaster and wood. Not a color palete I have seen anywhere else. It helps bring life in those cold grey winter months that we who live in that world know and understand. They also pack buildings in everywhere - the grid network is not how Moscow was built or structures itself today. They also have very interesting approaches to building into, around and above existing structures. Lots of people out today. It seemed to be another huge day for weddings. When you get around St Basil's Cathedral and the park just south of the Kremlin you see nothing but limos and wedding parties running around taking pictures - much like the areas surrounding the Opera House in Sydney. Not the best of days, but they all were out. Wandered in to another bunch of churches. They continue to amaze me with all you find inside - renovated or not. Bit of a wild week here with all the financial markets in chaos - has hit here as well. They closed the markets a couple days. Lots of conversation around the City. Like the rest of the world, back up on Friday. Time will tell.