A few odds and ends. Some pics by a friend.
Kiosks everywhere here. They range in size from a one seater outhouse to a double wide trailer - the decor is equally diverse. Sometimes there are several in a row on the same street. The interesting piece is that they have everything and more than you would find in your local convience store in the US. They may not have quantity, but they have it. We have one outside our window at the apartment and it has been most reliable for those last minute things we need.
Another interesting Moscow experience is coat checks. Like Minnesota, it is winter and we are all bundled up. No matter where you go they have a place for your coats - usually a formal coat check. All part of the experience of going out. It is bad form to not check your coat - we had that experience when we dropped by for a coffee and didn't do the "right" thing - cows that we were.
And the dirt. There is a blackness to their winter dirt that is new for me. And it is everywhere. I went through all my pants in as many days as I got in and out of the cars and rubbed against the edge of the car. Hard to describe it, but you sure get used to it fast and relearn how you move about.
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