30 November 2023

Osceola WI - An adventure I never thought I would experience


Had the chance today to see a bit a a huge piece of property along the Saint Croix River on the Wisconsin side - wow. 

So much history and so much other new and equally as interesting space all over the property.  A few quick moments on my journey today.

25 November 2023

Saint Paul MN - Home to some snow flurries and slick roads


Back home.  Colder and just a bit of flurries that are just leaving a coating and make everything a bit slick - late November so we are long over due. 

Highlands NJ - Enjoying the Atlantic Coast


Neil went off to work so I went for a neighborhood walk.  Since he lives on the bottom near the shore most of the walking is up the hill.  Highlands is the home to the highest spot on the Eastern Seaboard.  

It took three twists and turns up and down to finally get to the state park site.  And then later in the day we caught views of NYC, Long Island and NJ from still another location.   Highland rests at the spot where North NJ coast turns south and becomes the Atlantic coast.  

Added lunch with Ed and Lara and finished off the trivia night at the Legion.

23 November 2023

Holmdel NJ - Thanksgiving Dinner


Sheri and Mike put on a feast - and all the hospitality that goes with it - great day to hang with all. 

Ferry got me to the area and Neil and Christopher some how got us to the party - a few diversions on the way - hehe. 

Great to hang with family and that second family that comes with life and so glad to be included.

New York NY - Thanksgiving Day 2023

Back in to the City as Thanksgiving arrives and Christmas is right behind it.  And how do you not wander over to the Macy's Parade when the opportunity arrives - an it is a beautiful sunny day.  And not much wind.