30 April 2018

Twin Cities MN - Spring continues

Great weekend - 2 wonderful days and even nicer on Monday.
First 80+ day since last September.
Got a couple walks in, bike ride and even a party with the bike group to kick off the season - first group ride coming up Saturday.
Construction moving right along with the new theater complex at Mac.  And you know it is spring when the frisbees come back out.

New York NY - Part 2

New York NY - Spring time has arrived here

Opportunity to connect up with some friends and wander some new parts of NYC.
One rainy day - but made for a good day for some inside events.
And noodle night with Long as well.

22 April 2018

Saint Paul MN - what a difference a week makes

By Saturday morning most of the snow from last week was gone - just the high piles still melting away.
50s and 60s this weekend - so we got the walk in, great night out celebrating Africa and got that first 15 mile ride in.   And the butt feels the pain of that first ride.
It was a day of people wandering in winter coats and hats as well as one brave guy doing his run in a speedo - spring in Minnesota.

20 April 2018

Pepin WI - A good day for lunch

Stopped in Zumbrota and grabbed Greg.  And then on to Rochester and picked up Mom and we were off to Pepin for lunch at the Homemade Cafe.
We met up with Sonia and Lorne and owner son Christopher.
Just opened up for the new season.  Still snow on the ground but we hit 50 and it was sunny - for a great day for a ride and always interesting conversation.