26 October 2013

Manila, Philippines - A quick trip back after many, many years

My first trip to Manila since 2008.  And it is only a 2 hour flight from Hong Kong - so close.
It was interesting to be back and see what has evolved over the recent years.  A big, active and crowd filled Asian City.
I had forgotten about how much traffic there was and how long it takes to move a short distance.  Most of my activity was in Makati - the business hub and lovely center zone of the vast city of Manila.
The roads are also exciting for the vast and varied types of transportation you find on them - the amazing resourcefulness of how people make something a tool to move people and things from place to place.
Heading back again soon - a bit more time to enjoy the next time I  hope.

Twin Cities, Minnesota - Busy couple weeks back home

It was a very hectic couple weeks, but another great trip back to the home base.