10 June 2012

Minneapolis MN - Urban Assault year two

We signed up again - so much fun last year had to give it another go.
A much hotter and windier day today - wow.
A good time was had but we sure glad to get out of the wind and sun by the time we finished.

Rochester Minnesota - Kindra's Graduation Party

A hot but perfectly comfortable afternoon to celebrate Kindra's graduation.

07 June 2012

Paris France - mostly grey and rainy

Our meetings this trip have had us wandering off the usual travel routes through Paris - so some new things to see.
Not much sun.  We have gotten the follow through clouds and rain from the Diamond Jubilee Celebration in the UK it seems.

06 June 2012

Blog ghosts have appeared it seems

Not sure how an old post from years back jumped in to the queue but it looks like we get to enjoy the pics of Lizzie turning 10 for a second time - the blog goblins are active for some reason this week.
I think most of us would appreciate a past birthday back once again from time to time....new birthdays only mean one undeniable thing....

03 June 2012

Stamford CT - Lizzy turns 10

The second event to celebrate Lizzy's birthday. No doubt this party was better than the Miley Cyrus concert party - grandparents and an uncle must beat out Miley??!!

Paris France - cool and cloudy and very comfortable

We had great weather everywhere we have been on this trip but it got pretty humid during the Milan stretch - a over 80F everyday.
A cool 57F when we arrived in Paris today.  Good for walking and checking things out.