When I made my first trip to Australia I had a great bike in the garage in Minnesota but wasn't about to ship that half way around the world.
So to the Clarence Street Bike Shop I went and picked up a great mountain bike that served me well through both my stays in Sydney - and got many good miles on it. Including a trip chasing up kangaroos in Mudgee early one Sunday morning after Robert's wedding reception. Made the ride with his dad - and we found more than enough roos to satisfy me.
Alas, I took my bike in for some repairs and the young repair guy gave me a call and questioned my attachment to this bike. After 15 years there was certainly lots of familiarity and stories. But attachment...not quite sure.
He let me know that I had enough real repairs that needed to be done that I could buy at least one new bike. And I only need one.
So I have begun my new relationship with my new street bike. So far, I couldn't be happier. Looks good even with all my "extras" attached all over!
Hopefully we have as long or longer relationship.