28 January 2009

Saint Paul - Winter Carnival

A year to remember. It looks like we are on track to have one of the 3 coldest Janaury's in history - without going above freezing once all month.
Good and bad news for the Winter Carnival. Great for snow sculptures - tough on those in the parade and the thousands that come out to enjoy it all.
A taste of the Carnival sculptures - and the neighborhood.

70th Birthday Party - Waterski shots, centerfolds, strippers and a nun

Sister Lucille turns 70!
And the Hass women did it in style - waterski shots and the Chippendales - is there any other way.
A great weekend at Linda's and certainly something for everyone!

18 January 2009

Saint Paul - Mary goes digital...........

We must be getting old when we have a party to celebrate Mary getting a new flat screen telly - what more can I say. Only one more thing - it was a good evening!

Saint Paul - a bit of the neighborhood on the way to the DC Breackfast Club Meeting

After a week of extreme cold and wind we had a great day with some flurries and comfortable temps and wind - so off my feet took me. Covered a bit of neighborhood territory on my way to the DC Breakfast Club Meeting - and my first attendance in almost a year.

12 January 2009

Saint Paul - Lindsay moves out!

Saturday was spent getting Lindsay moved to her new digs - no more hanging out with her 50 plus uncle! And after over a year, I am now once again living without roommates!!
After the move we finished the evening with several games.........and Byron and I weren't the winners.

08 January 2009

Melrose MN - Dawit does Melrose and the Saints

Dawit and I had to make the trip back to Melrose to clean out the car from the pre-Christmas road incident.
After we got the dirty work done I told him it was my first visit to Melrose. So we had to go and see what there was to see. We found the turkey plant and the Catholic Church - next door.
So we started at St Mary's in Melrose and did the Saints to get ourselves back to Saint Paul - Saint John, Saint Joseph, Saint Bens, Saint Cloud and back to Saint Paul.
We even found the Ethiopian study center of historical documents housed at Saint Johns as we took a look at the current Bible pages on display. Who knew we knew so much about Ethiopia here in the midwest USA!
Carly must have started to spin, or else it was the holy spirit, with me seeing that many saints in one day. So she called to check on us in mid-tour.
I think Dawit was glad that the sun was going down and I couldn't see anymore steeples along the way..........or find anymore Saints!

01 January 2009

Saint Paul - New Years Eve - go home when you are tired party again!

What a great night - Dawit too was able to join us for dinner. So good to see him again. Dawit one had a better offer. Since Lauren moved out he is now the officially in charge of Fargo/Moorhead. All is well with him - great news.
Mary has discovered facebook - seems to be a stalker at the moment. Will she engage?
Millie had a better offer as well - El Salvedor. But she had to call to wish us well......and catching Carly misbehaving.....again. Greg was, once again, on perfect behavior. Millie, of course, called to get us back on track......excluding Greg!
A great group, I am a lucky man, and a very nice evening to bring in the New Year - good thoughts for all of us going into 2009 all around the world - to all my friends in so many special places.